Friday, July 30, 2021

Old Relatives, New Friends

-Children of mine or their parents

-half of Tauranga Boys College by normal sex at maybe the same revolving time. Half by my sperm dropped in their mothers when I left a Doctor's across the road where I was meant to have a urine test. I left because I thought I was treated poorly. And I saw a picture of the three monkeys in a row on the wall there

-the Boys College Latin motto is Pergo et Perago

-a chunk of Tauranga Intermediate

-I once saw a man looking like David Platt who was based on me lying in a folded down car seat 2 blocks along from there

-non-identical Heyworth twins. Now removed by really another man's sperm going in

-by a man who was a former client always flirting with me. And one day while I was talking to a staff member he was MASSDEBATING in the lounge next to it. Like in Marvel Comics MASTER PANDEMONIUM changes Scarlet Witch's baby twins in to her HANDS and they are now figments of her imagination 

-children I fathered as a super hero with my Captain Marvel

-willing splits to come out of me to space. But only about 15 times. I would use my hand beam to find me suitable males or married females to have sex with and get pregnant

-a young boy named Matthew once living over the fence  from my current home. Maybe slightly like me when I was very young

-Superman, Batman, Captain America , Iron Man, Spider-Man


- Greyson Milewski. The son of the Coronation Street actor whose character is based on me. His body is in pain all the time. Like my breakdowns of powers and the body I want. I had a shot at being King of England so I tried to make him my son too. The following list of evidence I am Prince Harry's father really translate in to these. Greyson's body problems. And me his father like the actor who plays a character like me

-actor Mark HAMILL. I saw a sort of wild PIG run out in paddocks near a Bacon Factory. I raided a post of timber like a Light Sabre or my rod. The pink shirt with lines on it. Like Light Sabres and a shot I saw of him looking for used cigarettes in a public ash tray. In a New Zealand movie magazine I saw a photo of him bare chested with a topless woman

-Judas Iscariot. I tried to will my sperm to be dropped in Judas Iscariot's mother. Making me his father

-about half the offspring of the 3 local Police Stations. I was in ROBBINS Park in 1984 with a friend at night. The Park was next to the Police Station. I left a rolled up comic on Batman and Cat MAN in a CANNON. Several  later I was sitting in that Park. A row of about 15 cops came out and sat facing me with their BATONS. In  paddocks near our homes. In about 1983 I was with a friiend. He saw I had Poo in my pants ( like in PIGS ). He joked he didn't want to be friends any more. The excretion in my pants like a baby. PIGS and PIGS like PERGE et PERAGO. On a trip to Wellington in about 1978 . To see my mother. She bought me some comics. One was a black and white reprint of horror comics. There was a panel of a naked man lying under a sheet in bed. Like me under my Beast bedspread. The Police were bursting through the door saying Get up. Like a few years ago. I had all the curtains pulled and doors locked. The Police had to let themselves in and pull my bedpread off of me. The man in bed looked like an older student at High School. Named Brendan KILMISTER. As in I kill the Police being men. He looked like the Terminator / kill mister. My friends were playing HAND BALL one day. The tennis BALL hit his leather and he FLICKED it off

-and I am the father of one of my father Ian's family's children. From an affair with a close family member to him. That no one remembers . I first lived about Hastings where he lived.  I was in the School Library back then and had to ask the Librarian a few times how to pronounce the book title of Finn Family Moomintroll. In 1978 in class we made a large stuffed paper Moomin. I took it home and my grandmother got rid of it and made me a green velvet one. I had it for decades. One day I was slightly spooked by the Neil FINN's band song Twice if You're Lucky. With a video of Teddy Bears. I took the soft toy up and gave it away at an Op Shop. These affairs might be his way of revenge on people. Now I have added a close family member to the list. .As in FIN FAMILY 

-I might be the father of the following LINC Support Home related people. Danny. Jesse, Ricky, Noko, Keith, Mark and his sister, Ben

-I might be the father of staff member Huia 'Huia' 's two offspring. Like the first time I saw him the Staff an found him on the side of the road out in the country. In about 1980 I heard a radio item. A nan won't be celebrating Valentine's this year. His friend has had affairs with the last three of his girlfriends. Huia got something go through his FOOT. As in FETUS. The MARRIED with CHILDREN character BUD BUNDY . As in BED BABY or HUIA HUIA. Married with Children. Like LINC looks after the mentally ill clients. LINK like the children are linked to each other. And LINK like the Married with Children logo

Friday, July 23, 2021

Fall and Rise

-DC Comics' Jenette Kahn's war against me

-a woman really corrupt looking, with a slightly hard direct personality and to me the greatest criminal in history

-she looks like Darth Vader

-took over DC in 1977 the year Star Wars came out. And about the year I moved to Tauranga

-I might have been heard of first by stars when I reached out my hand and shook Prince Charles's in 1983

-but there was a woman looking like Kahn who came into a Chinese restaurant appearing drunk and falling in Sydney about 1979/80

-Jenette Kahn approached me at Foodtown supermarket in 1992. Standing to look like the cover of New Teen Titans 8. Like over my life she will spread out life destroying tragedies on me

-to me now most 80s music are songs about me . Lois having affairs, me getting badly burnt or disfigured by a dog, etc

-like the JOAN JETT / Jenette song I Love ROCK and ROLL. And the ( DC logo ) STARship song We Built this City on ROCK   and   ROLL . I have to put up with an entertainment industry based maybe mostly about slangs at me

-over the decades she had some sort of plan to get me trapped in like a Darth Vader armor forever

-roping in masses of stars going along with this

-like the Cher video If I could Turn Back Time with her in black like a witch. Singing with a full US Navy DESTROYER cheering her on. All in white like all the stars

-Bobby Brown's album cover Bobby. / Whitney Houston doing the Olympic torch song / ROXETTE with their album Look SHARP and the female artist in 1990 with hair like Kahn has now /  Dionne Warwick and the song Heartbreaker. She sent me a finance company reply from WARwickDionne. Like Anti. And her team up song with Elton John and Stevie WONDER / the Hall and Oates song MANEATER with a black panther / Janet Jackson with Black Cat / Michael Jackson's song Black and White with Jackson becoming a panther and faces morphing into other faces / Prince Andrew running naked on a magazine cover I saw in SCARLET Hair with a turning squiggle over his penis. Like to partly hinting I was right about Charles being my father 

-I have a living mink black panther bed spread. That might be the Beast of Hell I brought out. Maybe offering some protection. Maybe set up by SATAN  STAN Lee

-Kahn and the stars tried somehow to turn the cat on me

-the problem is I have the cat and Satan to protect me. And there is a series called Days of our Lives about me made somewhere

-I first thought of these when it looked like DC Comics' character WONDER Girl had been torched really

-not only would someone badly torch me I would become terrible.  Despite all the miracles and powerful ones I did the world would go along with it. And it is the degree they go along with it that maybe changes me

-the New Zealand government would have been involved in this. It looks like Kahn brought in companies to for contractually good ban me from using them. She was standing near me in a supermarket line with a Phone . Like saying she has about the two biggest phone companies in on this 'stay with Lois or we will close.' And that would take out a lot of the world's Internet too

-and the Pope might have put it in contract to for good close down all churches and cancel the Bible if I don't stay with her. A proper husband

-Tina Turner song The BEST from the album Foreign Affair. With a woman like the Smallville, Posh Spice, Lois and Clark Lois Lane she would have public affairs no matter who I was. Bringing her boyfriend in on family meals and into the home when she wants

-in 2004 I met Marvel's STAN Lee SATAN at McDonalds. He gave me the money to buy Spider-Man 2. With an ASTRONAUT ENGAGED to Spider-Man's love interest. Like I found a RING in the top of my wardrobe in 1981 with STAR signs on it. I think STAN  Lee might have got me to star SIGNS a contract back then preventing me from any real marriage or partner

Hollywood would be HELL

Hollywood would be HELL